15 years in business!

We have been delivering safe, super specialty and critical care products for all health needs. We offer quality medicines shipped directly manufactured at state-of-the-art internationally certified plants in India.

We aim to be the pharmacy of choice for retail buyers across the world. Our customers rely on us to supply them with high quality medicine in a reliable and dependable manner.

We offer products with international certifications including ISO, CE, SFDA, ISI, GMP, WHO-GMP amongst others and have been supplying to multiple countries across the world.


Privacy is very important to us and we respect the privacy of our customers. Be sure that we will not be sharing your information. All transactions on our checkout page are 100% secure. We protect the security of your information by using 256 bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts all information you input. It’s absolutely secure to place orders with us as our secure billing system makes sure that all your information is kept private and safe.


Our sole objective is customer satisfaction by ensuring timely and smooth order execution. If by chance your shipment is delayed or not delivered due to logistical issues or customs procedures, we will either re-ship your order or refund your money, on case to case basis.

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